Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Messianic Jewish Rabbinic Council Halacha


I was very heartened to see the beginnings of a firm Messianic Jewish Halacha being agreed upon by the Messianic Jewish Rabbinic Council. This is badly needed and long over due.

The MJRC website url is Messianic Jewish Rabbinic Council

Our Congregation will be adopting this in large parts as our Halacha.


1 comment:

JerusalemCouncil.org said...

I invite you to participate in the discussions on Messianic halakha development at the Jerusalem Council Messianic Beit Din, http://www.jerusalemcouncil.org.

We are in the process of collecting all known orthodox Messianic halakha into something called Halakha Shel HaDerech found here: